In [1]:
import pylearn2.utils
import pylearn2.config
import theano
import neukrill_net.dense_dataset
import neukrill_net.utils
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import holoviews as hl
%load_ext holoviews.ipython
import sklearn.metrics

Using gpu device 0: Tesla K40c
:0: FutureWarning: IPython widgets are experimental and may change in the future.
Welcome to the HoloViews IPython extension! (
Available magics: %compositor, %opts, %params, %view, %%labels, %%opts, %%view
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fd041437b10>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fd0413d4210>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fd041437fd0>

Monitoring Traces at Start

The following traces were plotted about one and a half hours after starting the model training.

In [2]:
m = pylearn2.utils.serial.load(

In [3]:
def make_curves(model, *args):
    curves = None
    for c in args:
        channel = m.monitor.channels[c]
        c = c[0].upper() + c[1:]
        if not curves:
            curves = hl.Curve(zip(channel.example_record,channel.val_record),group=c)
            curves += hl.Curve(zip(channel.example_record,channel.val_record),group=c)
    return curves

In [4]:
nll_channels = [c for c in m.monitor.channels.keys() if 'nll' in c]

Looks like the nll for most of these is still improving, following a fairly linear dropoff. Maybe it'll keep going from here if we keep running it:

In [5]:


Plotting all the monitoring channels at the same time, could see something interesting happening:

In [6]:


Weights Learned

We can look at the weights learned by this model compared with our most recent best model and see what the differences are. Although, this might be difficult to interpret.

In [7]:
%run ~/repos/pylearn2/pylearn2/scripts/ /disk/scratch/neuroglycerin/models/8aug_extra_layers_more_hidden_recent.pkl

making weights report
loading model
loading done
smallest enc weight magnitude: 1.51593612827e-05
mean enc weight magnitude: 0.176430955529
max enc weight magnitude: 0.270493984222

In [8]:
from IPython.display import Image

In [9]:
def plot_recent_pylearn2():
    pl2plt = Image(filename="/afs/", width=700)
    return pl2plt



X hours after running the above, looked again.

In [14]:
%run ~/repos/pylearn2/pylearn2/scripts/ /disk/scratch/neuroglycerin/models/8aug_extra_layers_more_hidden_recent.pkl

making weights report
loading model
loading done
smallest enc weight magnitude: 1.45443946167e-05
mean enc weight magnitude: 0.169363990426
max enc weight magnitude: 0.259642511606